
Juhu Valerie …

… how to return a gift like the wonderful card you left me? Should I now get out some paper and a pen and try to find my inner calligraphist? Or maybe even a bit of Bob Ross? Probably not. No, I have to do it a different way.

My tool is not the pen but the keyboard, my canvas not paper but the World Wide Web. So, here is my “card” for you – I hope you enjoy it!

P.S.: please check if your browser blocks some content. This page is not mute 😉

A soothing voice

Alan Watts brought many important philosophical and spiritual concepts from the East to us in the West. For many years he talked about Taoism, Buddhism, and especially the Zen branch of Buddhism. I thank him for introducing me to these fields of human thought and many valuable insights. I chose one of his lectures for you which I find especially interesting but that is by no means the only one worth listening to.

Beethoven is alive!

It always bothered me that so many of our fellow humans miss out on the tremendum of classical music. Sometimes, people find a way through, pushing this seemingly ancient art right into our modern world. This is an inspiring example to me. Last year, I found myself right on this plaza and you never guess what the church next to it called.

The True, the Good, and the Beautiful

I told you about this philosopher I learned so much from, Terence McKenna, talking about Plato’s three grand concepts and how the Beautiful must eventually be the one we go for. Here is the original. If you feel like it, explore further until you find the mushroom…

That is it for now – but only for now. Dear Valerie, I send you warm regards from rainy Puyuelo and I hope you carried some of the spirit of this magical place home with you

see you soon …

Yours, Felix