August 2024

Dear friends, From the height of summer I bring you a glimpse of what is happening in Puyuelo. This time our News Letter is sent out in both English and Spanish and from now on, thanks to Felix, it is possible to subscribe and automatically receive the next editions. Things are turning professional around here! …

March 2024

Dear Friends, the day I wrote this was the 21st of March, the official beginning of spring, and hence also the day I can safely proclaim that the inhabitants of Puyuelo have survived our first winter all together. Numerous were the warnings I had read about the challenges of social isolation in small groups. Winter …

September 2023

Dear friends, I can hardly believe summer is almost at its end. I know some time has passed since I wrote a news letter. James took over the last one wonderfully, yet honestly that was not the only reason I have been silent for a while. It is said that in relationships three years is …

April 2023

Hello readers, followers, and aficionadas of Puyuelo’s newsletters, A changing of the guards, today: because your faithful writer of these states of affairs, P. Janssen, is on a leave of absence in Austria or Italy, the burden of writing has been laid on JS, another inhabitant of Puyuelo who prefers to be known by his …

December 2022

Dear friends, the gap between our News Letters seems to be longer every time. So long, that in some of you the thought might have popped up once or twice: what happened to Puyuelo? Did they manage to bring summer to a good end? Are they still alive? The other day I found an interesting …

July 2022

Dear Friends, first of all, I hope each and all of you are doing as well as possible or wanted, especially our friends inGhent who might be suffering from the Ghent Festival. Here is some news from Puyuelo to cheer youup in those long afternoons of post-party melancholia. Let me start with the story of …

April 2022

Dear Friends, I believe it took a while since the last News Letter came, because as those of you who’ve been hereknow, time follows different laws in Puyuelo. It moves in the shadows, plays tricks on you, going atonce immensely fast and incredibly slow. We measure it in seasons, the leaves that turn yellow,disappear and …

November 2021

Dear friends, family, After three months of silence, here is a bit of news from Puyuelo once more. As you might or might not know, we have spent the last months mainly working on the reconstruction of two ruins. James and me rebuilt Puyuelo‟s old iron shop, which is by now as good as finished. …

August 2021

Dear friends of Puyuelo, As much as winter is a time to rest and recover, summer is a battlefield; a people-filled, hot and busy blot on the calendar that stretches out roughly from mid-June to the end of September. That means we are somewhere “nearing” the end, on a Sunday island facing what we have …

May 2021

Dear Friends, After four months of silence, we considered it time to delight your mailbox with some more extraordinary, mind-boggling news from the most interesting Eco Village on the Greenwich Meridian. To you is speaking your epistolary captain Pablo, utterly useless member of the Puyuelo Team, who is once in a while captured and tied …