Januar 2021

Dear friends, Let me excuse myself first of all that this is more a News Letter about me than about Puyuelo. I have been alone for almost a month now here, so there is not much else to write about than myself, center and orbit of the Puyuelian universe for a while. In a way, …

November 2020

Finally we found a moment to write another News Letter. By now no explanation is needed. Life in Puyuelo is busy. Although we are as much in charge of our own time as one could be, there are always so many things going on at the same time that even something as simple as writing …

September 2020

After a couple of turbulent weeks, we found an opportunity to send out another news letter. A couple of days ago, Pablo’s birthday turned out to be the perfect excuse for a small excursion. We spent the day at the river in Campo, a town which was on our route last year. At last, a …

August 2020

Hello there, So. So. As usual here in Puyuelo, we soon fell off the calendar and the map, into the timeless and placeless reality we know this place easily becomes. Before we even realized, July slipped through our fingers, taking away a couple of shades of green, and leaving us in an ever-more yellow scenery. …

July 2020

This year we have decided to communicate to our friends and family in the format of a small news letter. We hope to share something of the wonderful place we have found, and warm you up to pay us a visit in the future if you ever feel like it. So. 7 Months after leaving …